German Headquarters Opening Event

Client: Paramount Pictures/Chest of Wonders
Location: Munich, Germany
Date: 2009

Paramount Pictures chose to launch the opening of their new German headquarters in Munich with a celebratory event in the Haus der Kunst during the Filmtage festival. The event introduces visitors to the world of Paramount Pictures with the most poignant assets they have: their films past, present, and future.

Eighteen spheres form an idealized cloudy sky onto which sixteen projectors beam title graphics, three sets of film clips, and modulated lighting sequences. The film segments showcase Paramount’s rich history and future highlighting classic films, contemporary clips from the last ten years, and previews of upcoming releases.

Two bars and minimalistic lounge seating cater to VIPs. Here, the muted color palette helps the seating merge with the surrounding interior, allowing the changing atmosphere and films to play the starring role.

Project Partner:
– Tino Schaedler (Optimist Design)

© Chest of Wonders